Have you ever wondered how psychotherapy works?  What makes it different from talking to a trusted friend or family member?  How do therapists view their role?  Most are surprised to discover that the key factor that makes psychotherapy effective is in the unique relationship you have with your provider.     The relationship a person has in a psychotherapy setting is unlike any other.  It is defined as a one-way relationship[…]

Are you longing for more joy in your life?  Joy that comes in waves and sustains you even during difficult times?  This kind of joy could be within your reach.  And you won’t find it by having an impressive career, filling a large bank account, raising successful kids, working out to physical perfection, or even surrounding yourself with lots of people. A joyful life is rooted in a practice of[…]

Grief is a taboo subject in our culture because no one wants to feel such pain.  It’s even more taboo to discuss the grief men feel.  Men are often grieving far more than they or their partners even realize.  They grieve the death of loved ones for certain.  But they may also grieve the loss of a pregnancy, a marriage that ended, changes in their relationships with growing or distant[…]

How do you respond when invited to a social gathering?  Do you find yourself feeling tense, queasy, and on edge just anticipating the event?  Do you often agree to attend social events then cancel last minute because it’s just too uncomfortable?  Do you feel overwhelmed at the thought of managing yourself in a group of people? If you tend to avoid social events due to feelings of anxiety, you are[…]

Humans are social creatures who care what people think about us.  Afterall, what people think about us can determine whether we have a second date, get that promotion, are invited to the party, or accepted by the in laws.  It’s normal to want to be liked and accepted.  The trouble comes in when we expect to be liked by EVERYONE ALL THE TIME.  We often get so focused on what[…]

If you find yourself drowning is a sea of responsibilities, feeling weighed down by constant exhaustion and overwhelming busyness, you are not alone.  Many Americans are reporting a drop in energy as stress levels rise.  We are juggling multiple roles and demands for our energy.  The fact is that your energy (including physical, emotional, and mental reserve) is a finite resource that must be renewed regularly.  We have to honor[…]

Are you trying to rid yourself of uncomfortable emotions or feel controlled by your feelings?  Maybe you want to cut anxiety out of your life or finally get over your grief.  Perhaps you’re tired of the same old jealousy or fear that keeps holding you back.  Learning to build your emotional tolerance could be your key to emotional freedom. Imagine if you compassionately responded to your feelings in the moment[…]

self compassion, growth, change

Tis the season of new year’s resolutions.  And if you’re like most people, you set goals or intentions that end up abandoned a few weeks or months into the new year.  Then you carry around this guilt of failing yet again to make whatever changes you had sought.  Or you might have such little faith you’ll follow through with resolutions that you don’t even bother setting a goal. But maybe[…]

If you find yourself often feeling utterly exhausted, depleted, and wrung out, it might be time to finally take a rest.  And I’m not talking about going to bed early one night just to get up the next day and do it all over again.  I’m talking about making a practice of pacing your activities so that you don’t continually end up collapsing into bed each night. It’s understandable why[…]

relaxed, meaningful, holiday, stress

November 1st marks the beginning of the holiday season for many.  And holiday seasons are stressful.  Routines are different, expectations are high, calendars fill up quickly, and sleep is often cut short.  We tend to get so consumed with making everyone happy and fulfilling each obligation that we end up feeling frazzled and depleted.  It’s easy to lose sight of what’s most joyful and meaningful to you.  Perhaps this holiday season[…]